Students are welcome at Spring Run for various lengths of stay. Some students are on the farm for as short as a weekend while others stay for a week, several months, or a year. Students are encouraged to bring their own horse(s) but we can provide a horse for those who are not able to do so. Suitable housing will be arranged with neighboring friends, just down the road from the farm.
Daily Schedule:
Students work a half day (approximately five and one-half hours) and have one lesson daily. They are responsible for the care of their own horse(s), which includes feeding, stalls, and turn-out; in addition to their regular chores. Students are encouraged to watch other lessons and school extra horses whenever possible. All students use time cards to keep track of their hours worked. All students have a minimum of one day off per week.
Click here for the application.
We look forward to having you at Spring Run. For more information please call Susan (Harris) Perellis at Susan (Harris) Perellis.